Preparing Your Calibration

"How would you like your camera?"
- Static, please.

1. On the camera page, click on the Camera Edit button.editcameraprofile.png

Do not Enable Meta Quest Camera offset as this will break calibration and not function properly

2. In the camera edit window, select Calibration.calibrationprep.png

3. In the Tracker drop down, select your tracker (for tracked camera's), or "None (Static)" for static cameras.

4. Click on Begin Calibration to launch our calibration tool, VIVR.begincalibration1.png

5. In the Start Calibration window, select Calibrate From Headset or From Desktop to begin the calibration process.mceclip2.png

Is LIV crashing or throwing errors at you when you try to begin the calibration? Check out the first two fixes here. If you've got multiple monitors, make sure that the monitor that LIV is rendered on is connected to the same GPU as your VR headset.

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