What camera resolution do I choose?

This might sound redundant, but you want to make sure you choose the highest resolution available to you, as LIV will otherwise stretch your video stream to fit the canvas. A higher camera resolution will also help improve chroma key quality.

Decode modes we support:

YUY2 - 4:2:2 color space, uncompressed data stream
High bandwidth over USB, but has minimal system load. May not support higher resolution options depending on your camera/USB ports.

MJPEG - 4:2:0, 4:4:4, or 4:2:2, compressed data stream
Has lower bandwidth over USB, but requires your CPU to decode the video stream. This will increase CPU load by a significant amount. If you have the CPU power to spare and/or you can't select a high resolution with YUY2, this is for you!

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